Tuesday, May 7, 2013


It really seems like May is a lot hotter this year than it was two years ago.
Its been in the 90's for many days now and the humidity is in the 90's as well. We are trying everything we can to keep as cool as possible. In San Francisquito we swam and took cold showers. Clothing, though not optional as yet, is at a minimum.
One of us has to wear a fur coat no matter how hot it gets, and he is not a happy camper. Poor Cinnamon is hot, hot, hot. We tried encouraging to take a swim but he didn't want to get his coat wet (maybe he thought it would smell). Cinnamon, who normally spends most of his time asleep in the Vberth is having a hard time finding a cool spot to nap. The hatch over the berth lets in cool air and some times he can keep his cool by lying at the center edge of the berth.
On really hot, windless days be has to be more resourceful. He has tried sleeping against the hull, behind the pillows but the bow gets really hot and eventually he has to move outside to find a little breeze. One day I walked into the forward berth and happened to look up at the hatch. To my surprise, Cinnamon had discovered that lying on the screen improved his air circulation and he had decided that the screen made a nice hammock.

The other day we were sailing and Cinnamon, who was lounging in the cockpit, got too warm. He, who has never left the cockpit while under way before, totally surprised me when he decided to stroll up to the bow and make use of "his" hammock.  Greg had closed the hatch so that we didn't soak the bed and Cinnamon was locked out.  Greg had also removed our dodger windows to allow more air flow. Cinnamon decided that the area under the dodger would do in a pinch.

The cleat made a nice little rest for his kitty chin.

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